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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saltzman Sees...Temple Grandin (2010)

Temple Grandin is the remarkable look at Autism through the eyes of one of its greatest champions.  Claire Danes becomes Temple as we learn what is possible when you have people who believe in your potential.  Julia Ormond, Catherine O'Hara and David Strathairn are all fabulous as we learn that it takes compassion and an open heart to allow people to find their own path.

The movie won several awards, including Clair Danes for Best Actress by both the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild, as well as nearly sweeping the Emmys that year. However, since TV movies don't get nominated for Oscars, a movie like Temple Grandin flies under the radar in movie of the year voting.

It is my Best Picture of 2010, and Claire Danes won my Best Actress of 2010

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